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Carbon Capture and Storage technology

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a safe and proven technology that can capture and store up to 95% of CO₂ emissions produced in an industrial process.

How will it work for the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development?

  • Step one: Install the technology that will capture the CO₂ emissions at the industrial plant, in this case the Viridor Energy from Waste facility in Runcorn. This step is outside the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development as Viridor is responsible for the capture plant.
  • Step two: The CO₂ is then transported via a pipeline from the industrial plant to the Ince AGI where it connects to the HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline. (We are applying for planning permission for this step.)
  • Step three: From the Ince AGI, the CO₂ is transported via the HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline to be stored deep beneath the seabed in carefully selected offshore sites. These storage sites are depleted natural gas fields beneath Liverpool Bay, which have previously held natural gas securely for millions of years.

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