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Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development

The Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development would transport CO₂ from the new carbon capture plant at Viridor’s Energy from Waste facility in Runcorn to the HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline at Ince. It would include:

  • Above Ground Installation (AGI): comprising a fenced compound area, measuring approximately 40m x 43m. The AGI will house equipment designed to receive CO₂ from the Viridor Energy from Waste facility and ensure the safe and efficient operation of the proposed spur pipeline. The AGI would be located on industrial land adjacent to the Viridor Energy from Waste facility and will be accessed via Percival Lane and Barlow Way. The AGI will also be fitted with 5m high lighting columns that will only operate should there be a security or safety reason, for example, a maintenance visit in low light conditions. Click here for more information about AGIs.
  • A spur pipeline transporting CO₂, connecting the Runcorn AGI to the Ince AGI. The proposed spur pipeline will comprise a 20" diameter, steel pipeline approximately 8.7km in length.

    It will be above ground on the industrial land between Runcorn AGI and the Weaver Navigation crossing, where it will be constructed on a mix of existing and new pipe racks and supports and then crossing under the River Weaver and remaining buried underground through agricultural land for the remainder of the route.
  • Additional equipment at Ince AGI, including additional pipework and modifications, to allow connection into Ince AGI.
  • Other infrastructure including telecommunication connections, Cathodic Protection equipment, leak detection equipment and pipeline marker posts.
  • Temporary works to facilitate the construction of the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development, including construction compounds and temporary access tracks.

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