Environmental Impact Assessment
As part of the planning process, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is being carried out to consider the potential effects of the construction, operation and maintenance of the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development on the environment. An EIA is commissioned by the developer but is undertaken by independent and suitably qualified environmental specialists.
There are three key stages to an EIA process:
- Gathering information and data on the area as it currently stands, for example to understand the local wildlife that is present in the local area. This includes field surveys, the majority of which are now complete.
- The extent of the issues and topics to be considered as part of the EIA is described in a Scoping Report. For this project, the EIA Scoping Report was submitted to Halton Borough Council and Cheshire West and Chester Council for review in April 2024. Each local authority subsequently provided its opinions in July 2024.
- An Environmental Statement is being prepared, taking on board feedback from the consultation and describing the findings of the assessment. It will describe the effects we have identified as part of the assessment, and how we have sought to avoid, reduce and minimise these impacts as part of the final design.
The Environmental Statement will be an important document in our planning application for this project. A summary of the information that will be included in the Environmental Statement is available for you to read on our website.
Environmental topics
The EIA considers several topics as well as any steps that are necessary to ensure potential effects on the environment as a result of the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development are minimised. These topics include:
- Air quality
- Climate change
- Cultural heritage and archaeology
- Ecology and biodiversity
- Designated sites
- Priority habitats
- Protected species
- Trees, hedgerows and habitats
- Biodiversity net gain
- Land and soils
- Landscape and views
- Noise and vibration
- Traffic and transport
- Water environment and flooding
- Mitigation and safety measures
*Cumulative effects consider effects from the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development on the same receptor at the same time. Cumulative effects also consider the effects from the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development and other separate developments which may affect the same receptor, either at the same time or over a prolonged period. Receptors are the features of the environment that could be affected by a development. For example people living or working in the area, wildlife, watercourses or human health.
The environmental impact assessments are still in progress, so we have included a technical note on the EIA work carried out so far as part of our consultation materials. The Runcorn Spur Pipeline Environmental Consultation Technical Note, available here provides an update on the EIA process carried out so far on the Runcorn Spur Pipeline Proposed Development. It has been produced to provide stakeholders and members of the local community with the most up-to-date information on the activities carried out, and what further assessments will be undertaken, so that they can provide an informed response to the LBCCS's pre-application consultation.
The full outcomes of the EIA will be included in an Environmental Statement, to be submitted as part of the Planning Application, which we plan to submit to Cheshire West and Chester Council and Halton Borough Council in summer 2025.