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Protos Spur Pipeline


The Proposed Development would connect to the HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline, a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project focused on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and subject to a Development Consent Order (DCO). The HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline DCO application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in October 2022, and was granted consent from the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero in March 2024. The objectives of HyNet are to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from industry and to support economic growth in North Wales and the North West of England.

Protos Spur Pipeline

The Proposed Development is for the construction of a new Carbon Dioxide Spur Pipeline and Above Ground Installation (AGI) to serve Protos Resource Recovery Park:

  • Protos AGI. The AGI connects to the industrial emitter (Encyclis’s Protos Energy Recovery Facility) and enables the safe and efficient operation of the pipeline, as well as routine inspections and maintenance. The preferred location for the Protos AGI is a small parcel of greenfield land set back from Marsh Lane, on land owned by PEEL NRE. The AGI would be approximately 55m x 40m​ in size. For more information about Above Ground Installations (AGI), please click here.

    The AGI would include a control kiosk (maximum height 5m) which would provide Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) equipment for distributing power and for control and monitoring of the system. In addition, associated infrastructure would be provided which would include above and below ground auxiliary pipework and valves, instrumentation and sensors, cable trays, and electrical transformers.
  • A mixed above ground and buried pipeline, which would be approximately 1.1km in length. The pipeline would carry carbon dioxide and connect the Protos AGI to the similar AGI at Ince.
  • Temporary Construction Compound(s)

The diagram shows a broad red line area, which covers the pipeline working corridor proposed for construction.

Project stage

To gain consent to build the Proposed Development, Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (the Applicant) has submitted a planning application through the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to Cheshire West and Chester Council in March 2024. The Ince AGI forms part of the HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline DCO application and will not form part of the Protos Spur Pipeline planning application.

The Proposed Development is now in its determination period, with Cheshire West and Chester Council due to come to a decision on the planning application later in 2024.

Protos masterplan

Protos Resource Recovery Park is owned by infrastructure developer PEEL NRE. As well as the Protos Carbon Dioxide Spur Pipeline Proposed Development, a number of connected projects are in development at Protos, including a new Carbon Capture Plant connected to the Protos Energy Recovery Facility.

The Carbon Capture plant is being developed by a joint venture between Encyclis, one of the UK’s leading energy-from-waste providers, and Biffa, one of the UK’s leaders in sustainable waste management. The proposed facility plans to capture approximately 380,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year from the Energy Recovery Facility at Protos. The carbon dioxide would then be transported away by the Protos Spur Pipeline to the Ince Above Ground Installation and onwards to the Point of Ayr Terminal eventually to be stored in depleted gas fields offshore in Liverpool Bay.

Find out more information about the Protos Carbon Capture and Storage plant at

Proposed timeline

Landowner engagement

October 2023 to April 2024

Non-statutory pre-application consultation

October 2023 to April 2024

Planning application submitted March 2024 (Determination period - March to May 2024)

March 2024 to August 2024


June 2025 to October 2026

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